Comparing national reporting of EU Members
While all EU Member States provide data for the EU Consolidated Report and at least some data to the UN Register of Conventional Arms (UNRCA), only two-thirds of member States (21 of 28) are meeting their legal obligation to produce national reports on their ‘exports of military technology and equipment’. Among those that do report, wide variations apply—some Member States give relatively detailed accounts of their licensing and export of strategic material while others are much less forthcoming.
About this database
This database lists 151 ‘minimum elements for effective reporting’, and then sets out for each EU Member State how many and which of those elements they report against. It identifies how many States report on each element, and allows users to quickly compare the quality of reporting across the EU.
Compare by country
At present 21 EU Member States publish national reports, while all 28 provide data for the EU Consolidated Report and at least some data to the UN Register of Conventional Arms (UNRCA). However the systems of national reporting are extremely varied. Some member states give relatively detailed accounts of the licensing and export of strategic material; others give extremely limited information; and some do not report at all.
EU reporting on arms transfers: calling for greater transparency
As Saferworld launches its newly updated EU arms transfer transparency website, we look at EU member states reporting on arms.
More than box-ticking?
Arms transfer reporting in the EU
National Implementation of the proposed Arms Trade Treaty
A practical guide
Monitoring and verifying implementation of an Arms Trade Treaty