Our staff and trustees are at the heart of Saferworld’s work. Their skills and expertise ensure that we continue to be a leading conflict prevention and peacebuilding organisation. We have over 150 staff members working across our programme, policy, advocacy, advisory and support teams.
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Our trustees help guide Saferworld in all major decisions. Their advice is backed up by years of experience and expertise in a range of areas – from finance, policy research and communications to peacebuilding and management.
Stephanie runs an independent consultancy specialising in security and justice; peace, stabilisation and intervention; and fragile and conflict-affected states. As a chair, she brings a comprehensive understanding of the challenges for the peace and security community as it addresses the difficulties faced by fragile and conflict-affected countries.
Stephanie also has expertise in strategy development, and her geographical specialities are the Balkans and North Africa. Her consultancy business offers strategy and policy advice, training, facilitation and evaluation. Clients include the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy, the Stabilisation Unit, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Ministry of Defence, the Canadian Government and NATO.
Stephanie joined Saferworld in 2015 and was elected as chair in 2020.
Fabienne Arminjon has more than 25 years’ experience in Finance and Operations Leadership roles in large private companies (Arthur Andersen, Allianz Trade) and in the INGO sector (Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, Christian Aid). She currently works as Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Services at VSO where she is responsible for Finance, IT, Procurement, Internal Audit and Public Fundraising. She is passionate about ensuring strong financial and risk management, enabling organisations to bring positive changes for the most vulnerable, building peace and social justice.
Toby has over 17 years of experience, including with the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund and in providing research, monitoring, evaluation and learning services in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. He established his own coaching and consulting practice in early 2022, and joined Saferworld’s Board of Trustees in late 2022.
Toby holds an MSc in international public policy, a postgraduate diploma in public financial management and is professionally certified as an executive coach from University of Reading’s Henley Business School.
Victoria is Lead, Global Public Policy, Advocacy & Partnerships at the Global Partnership for Education (hosted by the World Bank). She brings a strong background in public policy, advocacy and partnerships, including working to empower women and girls and ensure their voices and experiences are amplified in their communities and advocacy spaces. Victoria previously worked for a wide range of global development agencies and organisations including the African Union, Médecins Sans Frontières, and Commonwealth Foundation. She’s also worked as lead strategist on G8/G7, G20 and built strategic partnerships and mobilised financing from regional development banks, UN agencies, and private sector and foundations.
Victoria holds a BSc in anthropology and MSc in development administration and planning.
Imogen Parsons has 20 years of experience of working in conflict-affected contexts, including Afghanistan, Libya, Democratic Republic of Congo and the Sahel.
Until recently she was a Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Conflict and Terrorism Group at RUSI, on secondment from the UK civil service. Previously she was also the Head of the Joint Sahel Department, a fully integrated FCO/DFID Department overseeing the UK’s diplomatic and development engagement across the Sahel.
She holds a PhD in international relations from LSE and a masters degree in development studies from SOAS University of London.
With almost 25 years of experience in legal, tax, and financial matters with multinationals and consulting firms (Cap Gemini, Loyens, Maersk and Ernst & Young), Izzat-Begum has also developed a strong knowledge of impact projects and social enterprises while working for Aga Khan Development Network.
She holds a masters degree in business law and taxation from Pantheon-Assas University (Paris, France) and an LLM in law of international finance from the University of London. She is currently undertaking her PhD research at the University of Bourgogne (Dijon, France) focusing on the tax framework(s) of crypto assets and the utility tokens. She joined Saferworld’s Board of Trustees in 2022.
Nana has 30 years of experience working in sustainable development in the context of crisis and post-crisis. She is particularly passionate about peacebuilding and stability, working with governments, civil society, academia and the private sector on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. Throughout her career, she has led capacity building and dialogue initiatives to support national and regional stabilisation plans in conflict-affected regions in Africa. She has also worked in several international organisations such as the African Development Bank and USAID. She recently served the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as the Regional Director for West and Central Africa, overseeing UNDP’s Sahel programme.
Medinat Abdulazeez Malefakis is a senior lecturer at the NADEL (Centre for Development and Cooperation) at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal University of Technology). She is an academic and policy expert in terrorism, violent conflicts, humanitarian displacement and peacebuilding. Before NADEL, she was a Junior Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum of the ETH, Nigerian Research Expert/Facilitator at the Centre for Security Studies (ETH), and conflict analyst (West, East and Southern Africa) at the Norwegian Refugee Council in Geneva.
Medinat is the board chair for Build UP, leads the Nigeria country portfolio for the Global Survivors Fund, sits as a member of the Independent Review Panel for the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) in Geneva. She joined the Board in January 2024, and also serves on the Board of Saferworld Europe.
Soheila brings over 15 years of international experience in human rights philanthropy and advocacy, and humanitarian protection. Most recently, as a Senior Program Manager at the Open Society Foundations (OSF), she developed and funded strategies and initiatives focused on criminal justice, security and rights, and the protection of human rights defenders, supporting civil society, activists and marginalized communities worldwide. Additionally, she was a member of the Steering Committee of the Peace and Security Funders Group, where she worked to strengthen connections between democracy, human rights, peace, and development funders.
Prior to her tenure at OSF, Soheila served as Protection Director at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and led humanitarian programs providing protection and assistance to victims of armed conflict and violence in Central Africa, Libya, Iraq, and Sudan.
Soheila holds a Master’s degree in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from SOAS, University of London, and a Diploma in Political Science from the Institute of Political Studies of Paris (Sciences Po).
Julie is an expert on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, conflict sensitivity, local security and gender. For the last 20 years, she has been working with think tanks, NGOs, consultancies, multi-stakeholder networks and government organisations in management positions, on policy advice, strategy development, participatory research, as well as project design and management. Julie has been working in and on contexts such as South Sudan, Ethiopia, Nepal, Central Asia, the Western Balkans, the UK and Germany. Currently, she is part of the Ukraine Task Team at KfW Development Bank in Frankfurt.
Susana Klien is Saferworld's Chief Executive Officer, where she oversees the organisation's development and growth as well as operations and programmes. Susana has more than 20 years' experience of working in the policy, advocacy, development, human rights and peacebuilding sectors, and a track record of developing effective organisational, programme and advocacy strategies and leading organisational change processes. Susana previously worked at Saferworld as the Director of International Programmes between 2015 and 2022. Prior to this she was the Interim Chief Executive and Head of Programmes at Womankind Worldwide. Most recently, she was Head of Grant Programmes at Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.
Tamara began her role as the Director of Policy and Programmes in May 2024. Prior to this, Tamara was Saferworld's Head of Conflict Advisory Unit and previously Head of Central and South East Asia overseeing the Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Myanmar country programmes. Tamara has over 25 years of research, training, and programming experience in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping and community security and community policing in a number of conflict-affected and post-conflict contexts, including Tajikistan and Kosovo.
Lauren joined Saferworld in May 2022. She brings a wide range of operational experience, having previously worked in both commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Before joining Saferworld, Lauren was the Antarctic Operations Manager at the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust. At Saferworld, Lauren provides operational leadership and management across our offices globally.
Ali joined Saferworld in June 2018 as Country Director for Somalia and Somaliland. He has over 20 years’ experience in leadership, programme design and implementation in various civil society organisations. Ali holds a master’s degree in peace and justice, which he completed on Fulbright and Rotary international ambassadorial scholarships, and another master’s in international relations from Warsaw University, Poland.
Awfa has expertise on peacebuilding, community programming and women’s inclusion in peacebuilding. She previously worked as a Gender Project Manager for Saferworld in Yemen and as a Gender Advisor for the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response, where she coordinated Food, Security and Livelihoods programming. Awfa has worked on gender-related projects with the Japan International Cooperation Agency and holds an MBA.
Claire joined Saferworld in February 2020 as the Senior Conflict and Security Adviser in the Conflict Advisory Unit. She has 15 years’ experience in the humanitarian and development sectors. Her focus is on conflict sensitivity and security and justice. She works with a range of humanitarian and multi-mandate organisations and institutions to promote both conflict sensitivity and progress on the localisation agenda in conflict-affected contexts.
Twitter: @ClaireAustine
Elizabeth is Head of Communications, overseeing Saferworld’s communications, marketing and external profile. She joined Saferworld in 2012 as Communications Officer and has since led on delivering Saferworld’s first organisational communications strategy, redeveloping Saferworld’s website and building and managing Saferworld’s global communications team to support Saferworld’s funding, programme and policy objectives. She has an MA in International Relations (Peacebuilding) from the University of Birmingham.
Twitter: @bourneshort
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Deborah joined Saferworld as Head of Programmes in April 2024. She has 30 years’ experience in programme design, strategy and implementation with a range of NGOs, UN Women and bilateral agencies. In the past five years she worked for the Mines Advisory Group (MAG), where she was responsible for humanitarian demining and armed violence risk reduction and risk education in Central, Southern and East Africa (South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Chad, Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya). She also led the Sudan refugee response for Plan International on the Chad/Sudan border zone.
Fidelis Kangethe joined Saferworld in January 2024 as the Head of Funding. She has a Masters in Development Studies from the University of South Africa, and brings over 15 years of experience in Resource Mobilisation/Business Development, Programme Management and Policy Advocacy. Fidelis has worked with a range of international organisations across Africa, most recently as the Deputy Director, Business Development for Living Goods. In her role at Saferworld, Fidelis shapes the organisation’s income portfolio and drives sustainable income growth in line with Saferworld’s strategy.
Gabrielle joined Saferworld in 2023. She has nearly 15 years of experience in policy, advocacy and analysis, peacebuilding programming and organisational management, dialogue and conflict sensitivity initiatives, and civil society promotion. From 2013–18, she worked in Myanmar supporting localisation efforts and advocating for conflict sensitive international engagement during the Rohingya crisis. Gabrielle has authored several publications and holds an MA in Public Policy from Princeton University.
Gulmira joined Saferworld in March 2023 and is responsible for providing strategic direction and overseeing our Central Asia regional programme in line with the organisational strategy. Gulmira has more than 25 years of experience in managing and implementing diverse projects and programmes in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia on issues such as: education, HIV/AIDS, supporting women’s political participation and addressing gender-based violence.
Jason joined Saferworld in 2018 and is the Director of Saferworld USA. He directs Saferworld’s policy change and partnership-building activity in Washington DC and oversees its advocacy work at the United Nations. Jason has three decades of experience in peacebuilding, governance and development in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. He has a Master’s degree in Economics from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. He previously spent 15 years at The Carter Center, most recently as its Office Director and Country Representative in Guyana. He brings a range of expertise on multi-stakeholder dialogue, inclusive governance, social cohesion, community-driven peacebuilding, social movements and aid effectiveness.
Twitter: @JasonCalder15
LinkedIn Profile
John joined Saferworld as Kenya Country Manager in 2022. He has over 15 years' experience in various international NGOs across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America – including in leadership positions. He holds a BA in Political Science from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, MBA from the University of Nairobi and is currently an MA Candidate in Development Studies at Mount Kenya University.
“Leon” Yu Liang is the Operations Manager of Saferworld's new Beijing office. He has over 20 years of experience working in media and NGOs. Leon started his career in 2000 as a journalist with China Daily and other media outlets. Later in 2009 he joined the Internews China programme and more recently, he worked as a China Adviser for Global Witness. Leon holds a master's degree in journalism, communication and development studies from the Ohio University and another in linguistics from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Léonie joined Saferworld in 2014. Previously a Programme Manager and Interim Head of Middle East programmes, she has worked extensively with partners in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia. Before Saferworld, Léonie worked at Chatham House, where she was a Research Associate on the Middle East and North Africa. She speaks Arabic and French, and has a BA in Arabic and Islamic Studies.
Twitter: @leonieleonie
Lucy joined Saferworld in July 2021 as the Sudan Country Director. With over 15 years of experience, she brings in a wealth of knowledge as she leads our work to promote peacebuilding Sudan. Lucy has worked with international organisations and development consulting firms all over Africa, Asia and US. She holds an MBA from Colorado State University and a BA in Political Science and Philosophy from Makerere University, Uganda.
Mauro joined Saferworld as South Sudan Country Director in April 2018 after several other Country Director positions within South Sudan. Mauro trained as a priest and held several pastoral and ecclesiastical management positions. After moving to the UK, Mauro worked at two inner-London urban regeneration schemes and for nearly three years with Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust. Mauro holds a BA in theology from the Urbaniana University in Rome, and a master’s degree in management practice from Middlesex University in London.
Roy leads Saferworld's work on conventional arms. He has more than 20 years’ experience in developing and implementing strategies to promote the adoption of responsible arms transfer control strategies nationally, regionally and internationally. On top of writing research papers, reports, policy briefings and articles on arms transfer control policies, Roy also regularly contributes to international media on arms issues. He was a long-serving member of the Board of the global Control Arms Coalition and is the Coordinator of the UK NGO Working Group on Arms.
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Sairah joined Saferworld in April 2018, she manages Saferworld's work on regional dialogue processes and economic connectivity in South Asia, with a focus on conflict sensitivity, partnership building, and programme design, adaptation, and learning. She has experience in developing and implementing programme and evaluation functions for partners and donors, including UNICEF, USAID, the EU, and the US Department of State, with experience working across South Asia as well as the Middle East and North Africa. Sairah holds an MPhil in politics from the University of Oxford.
Vyda joined Saferworld in 2020. As a Senior HR professional with wide geographical and sector exposure, Vyda has extensive experience in leading people and culture teams to design and implement human resources strategies to deliver effective outcomes, including talent management, employee relations, leadership development, diversity and inclusion, and performance management. She oversees the development and delivery of Saferworld’s people strategy and manages the provision of effective and professional HR service and advice.
Eva is the Director at Gender Action for Peace and Security, a network of development, human rights, humanitarian, and peacebuilding INGOs, based in the UK. She is a gender expert with diverse experience in development, humanitarian, refugee and asylum matters, and Women, Peace, and Security (WPS). Her expertise spans the realms of research, advocacy, policy, and programming, and she has worked with a wide range of stakeholders, including multilateral organisations, government agencies, donors, international and national NGOs, civil society groups, and women’s rights organisations, both within the UK and globally.
Alessandro joined Saferworld in 2019. As an Internal Auditor, he gained valuable auditing expertise in the private sector in Italy before transitioning to the non-profit sector. Before joining Saferworld, he worked with charities in Ethiopia and Uganda. Alessandro’s work is focused on enhancing internal controls and advancing effective risk management practices within Saferworld.
Khirad became Civil Society Partnerships and Learning Adviser in 2022, leading our partnerships approaches with other organisations globally. Khirad has been with Saferworld since 2014 as Area Programme Manager in Juba, South Sudan, and then later as Tajikistan Country Manager and Central Asia Regional manager. He has substantial experience in community policy and community security.
Laureen Karayi-Nabimanya is Saferworld's Senior Gender Adviser, bringing over 14 years of expertise in Women, Peace, and Security (WPS), gender, women's human rights, policy advocacy, and legal equality. Before joining Saferworld, Laureen worked at the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA Network), where she led regional programme work and supported advocacy initiatives focused on gender. She holds a Masters in Development Studies, Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Postgraduate Diploma in Gender Equality Studies and a Bachelor of Laws.
Lucian Harriman joined Saferworld in November 2018 as Security and Justice Adviser to lead the security and justice work-stream of the Peace Research Partnership. Lucian provides programmatic support to international programmes and also has a thematic focus on security and justice, supporting inclusive transitions to peace, and engaging with armed non-state actors. With almost 15 years of experience, Lucian has worked in Myanmar, the UK, Somalia, Somaliland and Sudan. Lucian holds an MSc in violence, conflict and development, a PgCert in conflict resolution skills and a DipHE in law.
Sara joined Saferworld in January 2020 as a Programme Support and Learning Adviser. She works with our programme teams to strengthen our partnerships, leads the revision of our programme partnership approaches, tools, and related resources, and supports the development of our organisational strategy on partnerships. Having previously worked for Conciliation Resources and Peace Direct, Sara has a strong peacebuilding background. Over the years, Sara has worked with various organisations in Nigeria, Pakistan and the Philippines.
Twitter: @SaraTorrelles
Shelagh joined Saferworld in 2012. Prior to her role as Advocacy Adviser to international programmes, she managed Saferworld’s global advocacy team, engagement with the African Union and other regional bodies in Africa, and provided advocacy support for Saferworld’s East Africa programmes. Before joining Saferworld, Shelagh worked at Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK) on the inclusion of women in peace processes. She also has several years of experience in international marketing and campaigning.
Twitter: @shedales
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Jason S Calder, Director of Saferworld USA
Jason joined Saferworld in 2018 and is the Director of Saferworld USA. He directs Saferworld’s policy change and partnership-building activity in Washington DC and oversees its advocacy work at the United Nations. Jason has three decades of experience in peacebuilding, governance and development in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. He has a Master’s degree in Economics from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. He previously spent 15 years at The Carter Center, most recently as its Office Director and Country Representative in Guyana. He brings a range of expertise on multi-stakeholder dialogue, inclusive governance, social cohesion, community-driven peacebuilding, social movements and aid effectiveness.
Twitter: @JasonCalder15
LinkedIn Profile
Jordan joined Saferworld in 2017 and is the Senior Policy and Advocacy Lead at Saferworld USA. He covers peacebuilding, peacekeeping and counter-terrorism policy and is based in Washington DC. He has a Master's degree in International Relations and Global Issues from the University of Nottingham, and previously worked for a number of NGOs in Washington DC and New York. He leads Saferworld’s advocacy at the United Nations in New York. He has written extensively on the impact of counter-terrorism policy on peace, human rights and civic space, with recent work focused on the negative effects of counter-terrorism at the United Nations.
Twitter: @jordan_street07
Ryan Brenner, Senior US Partnerships Manager
Ryan joined Saferworld USA in 2022 as Senior US Partnerships Manager. She is responsible for a comprehensive strategy to develop Saferworld’s programming partnerships with USAID, the State Department and the US philanthropic sector. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Affairs from George Washington University, where she was actively engaged in advocacy for Sudan and South Sudan with STAND, the student-led movement to end mass atrocities. She has a business development background and previously worked for ME&A, Global Communities and IBI.
Twitter: @RyansRadar
LinkedIn Profile
Tyler joined Saferworld USA in 2020. He develops and implements advocacy strategies to influence the US government’s response to conflict and insecurity in countries where Saferworld works. Focusing on Sudan, South Sudan and Yemen, he leads outreach to Congress and the State Department, encouraging greater engagement with civil society, and inclusivity in peace processes. He has a Master’s degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He previously worked to promote and protect human rights in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen at Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain.
Alessandro joined Saferworld in 2019. As an Internal Auditor, he gained valuable auditing expertise in the private sector in Italy before transitioning to the non-profit sector. Before joining Saferworld, he worked with charities in Ethiopia and Uganda. Alessandro’s work is focused on enhancing internal controls and advancing effective risk management practices within Saferworld.
Gulmira joined Saferworld in March 2023 and is responsible for providing strategic direction and overseeing our Central Asia regional programme in line with the organisational strategy. Gulmira has more than 25 years of experience in managing and implementing diverse projects and programmes in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia on issues such as: education, HIV/AIDS, supporting women’s political participation and addressing gender-based violence.
John joined Saferworld as Kenya Country Manager in 2022. He has over 15 years' experience in various international NGOs across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America – including in leadership positions. He holds a BA in Political Science from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, MBA from the University of Nairobi and is currently an MA Candidate in Development Studies at Mount Kenya University.
Mauro joined Saferworld as South Sudan Country Director in April 2018 after several other Country Director positions within South Sudan. Mauro trained as a priest and held several pastoral and ecclesiastical management positions. After moving to the UK, Mauro worked at two inner-London urban regeneration schemes and for nearly three years with Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust. Mauro holds a BA in theology from the Urbaniana University in Rome, and a master’s degree in management practice from Middlesex University in London.
Tamara began her role as the Director of Policy and Programmes in May 2024. Prior to this, Tamara was Saferworld's Head of Conflict Advisory Unit and previously Head of Central and South East Asia overseeing the Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Myanmar country programmes. Tamara has over 25 years of research, training, and programming experience in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping and community security and community policing in a number of conflict-affected and post-conflict contexts, including Tajikistan and Kosovo.
Alexandra is the Director of the Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility, which promotes the integration of conflict sensitivity throughout all programmes, operations and policy decisions in South Sudan. Alexandra has 15 years' experience working on humanitarian, development and peacebuilding programmes in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific. Before joining the Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility, she was Country Director for DanChurchAid, and has previously worked for other NGOs including Lutheran World Federation and Care International (Australia).
Claire joined Saferworld in February 2020 as the Senior Conflict and Security Adviser in the Conflict Advisory Unit. She has 15 years’ experience in the humanitarian and development sectors. Her focus is on conflict sensitivity and security and justice. She works with a range of humanitarian and multi-mandate organisations and institutions to promote both conflict sensitivity and progress on the localisation agenda in conflict-affected contexts.
Twitter: @ClaireAustine
Charlotte joined Saferworld as a Conflict and Security Adviser in January 2016. She has over 15 years’ experience working on conflict and peacebuilding with a specific focus on security and justice and conflict-sensitive development. Before joining Saferworld, Charlotte spent over a decade working with various organisations and institutions from USAID, PwC to the Institute for Security Studies. She also worked as a Technical Conflict Adviser for the Ugandan Office of the Prime Minister.
Elizabeth has worked on arms and security issues at Saferworld since 1993. Elizabeth's areas of interest include national, regional and international arms transfer control policies and practices and global and regional efforts to stem the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons. She has produced numerous publications for Saferworld on a wide range of related issues such as: how an international Arms Trade Treaty could be monitored and verified; and priorities for strengthened controls on small arms transfers in order to prevent their diversion.
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Natalia joined Saferworld in February 2020, and leads on providing strategic and technical support to the Conflict Sensitivity Facility for Sudan. Natalia also works closely with the Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility in South Sudan and provides support to Saferworld’s conflict sensitivity helpdesks and Saferworld programmes. Natalia is the co-chair of the South Sudan Working Group of UK-based NGOs.
Ojaswi joined Saferworld in 2010 primarily focused on shaping the Nepal programme’s gender and peacebuilding, and security sector reform work. She led Saferworld’s first participatory research on notions of masculinities and violence in Nepal, worked on gender, disarmament and rehabilitation of ex-combatants in Nepal. She is now an adviser within the Conflict Advisory Unit with a focus on gender and conflict-sensitive approaches to peacebuilding and crisis response.
Shelagh joined Saferworld in 2012. Prior to her role as Advocacy Adviser to international programmes, she managed Saferworld’s global advocacy team, engagement with the African Union and other regional bodies in Africa, and provided advocacy support for Saferworld’s East Africa programmes. Before joining Saferworld, Shelagh worked at Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK) on the inclusion of women in peace processes. She also has several years of experience in international marketing and campaigning.
Twitter: @shedales
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