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Inside Kenya’s war on terror: the case of Lamu
Long reads

Inside Kenya’s war on terror: the case of Lamu

In this long read, Saferworld takes readers to Lamu County on Kenya’s coast. Lamu - tourist paradise, investment hub, flashpoint of ethnic and religious tensions - is a battleground in Kenya’s internationally-backed war on terror.

12 April 2017
Shouldn’t YOU be Countering Violent Extremism?
Long reads

Shouldn’t YOU be Countering Violent Extremism?

High public fear of terrorism globally has led governments to make counter-terrorism - and its affable cousin, Countering Violent Extremism - top priorities. But are current approaches capable of ending the violence in a just and lasting way, or do we need to prioritise a different approach?

14 March 2017
Counter-terror in Tunisia: job done or mission misunderstood?
Comment & analysis

Counter-terror in Tunisia: job done or mission misunderstood?

Following a number of high-profile terror attacks, Lola Aliaga and Kloe Tricot O'Farrell urge international actors to focus their efforts on addressing exclusive and abusive governance, corruption and marginalisation in order to support a peaceful and sustainable democratic transition in Tunisia.

2 March 2017