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Tim Midgley and Alastair Carr highlight six lessons for the aid sector to consider as part of a conflict-sensitive response to COVID-19 in Somalia.
15 April 2020As the aid sector in South Sudan shifts rapidly to prepare for and respond to the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country, Natalia Chan and Tim Midgley reflect on the need to ensure humanitarian responses take into account conflict dynamics.
9 April 2020Donors and aid agencies want to support peace in the countries where they work, while not making conflicts worse. To help them do this, Saferworld’s Conflict Advisory Unit runs helpdesks which provide accessible and practical support. Here, Alastair Carr and Tim Midgley reflect on what they’ve learnt so far.
10 February 2020After witnessing a long period of armed conflict and isolation, Karamoja is now beginning to open up to the world. Despite being on the path to progress, Henrik Olsson Selerud explores the emerging concerns of communities and recommends steps to take to avoid future conflict.
29 May 2018