Beijing meeting on African peace and security: Combating illicit small arms and ammunition
Around 60 Chinese and other international officials and experts gathered in Beijing on 18 March 2014 to discuss collaborative actions to fight against illicit small arms and ammunition in Eastern Africa. The seminar entitled ‘Supporting Peace and Security in Africa: Towards Collaborative Actions for Combating Illicit Small Arms and Ammunition’ brought together senior international arms control officials and experts, Chinese officials, scholars and think-tanks, as well as diplomats and representatives from international organisations based in Beijing.
This one-day seminar, which was co-hosted by Saferworld, the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association (CACDA) and the Africa Peace Forum (APFO), with sponsorship from the European Union (EU), was held under the aegis of the Africa-China-EU Expert Working Group (EWG) on Conventional Arms. It was the fifth in the series of policy seminars after rotating among Brussels (November 2012 and November 2013), Beijing (May 2013), and Nairobi (July 2013).
2014 年3月18日,60多名来自中国和其他国家的官员与专家们齐聚北京,讨论如何协力打击东非地区非法贩运小型武器和弹药的行为。国际军控高级官员和专家、中 国官员、学者和智库、以及驻华外交官和驻华国际组织的代表们参加了这次题为“支持非洲和平与安全:协力打击非法小型武器和弹药”的研讨会。
为期一天的研讨会由更安全世界、中国军控与裁军协会和非洲和平论坛共同举办。本次研讨会获得了非洲—中国—欧盟常规武器专家工作组的支持和欧盟的赞助。 这是系列政策研讨会中的第五次会议,前四次是在布鲁塞尔(比利时,2012年11月和2013年11月)、北京(中国,2013年5月)和内罗毕(肯尼 亚,2013年7月)召开的。
“[E]fforts through a trilateral approach have added significant value to the existing initiatives and programmes, and [...] it is time to agree on practical joint actions.”