“It’s dangerous to be the first”: security barriers to women’s public participation in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen

Security barriers to women's public participation in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen

Click here for the full report in English.

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Egypt, Libya, and Yemen are in the midst of unpredictable political transitions following the 2011 uprisings. This report examines the ways in which security concerns associated with this volatile environment impact women’s political participation, as well as the ways in which women’s participation in turn affects their security. Based on consultations with over 400 women and men conducted in late 2012 and early 2013, it presents a situation of considerable flux where widespread politicisation and greater opportunities for women’s activism are accompanied by increased risk and a backlash against women’s rights. This research forms part of a larger Saferworld project to promote networking, discussion, and debate around the safety issues that impede women’s ability to participate in public and political life in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.

The report concludes with recommendations for governments and civil society to
make progress on five key areas:

  • Creating a more responsive security sector through reform processes that include women’s perspectives and include women’s specific concerns in setting national and local priorities.
  • Involving women in security provision, by building on women’s potential contributions in disarmament and linking police and communities, increasing the number of women police officers, and ensuring internal police procedures promote equality.
  • Increasing opportunities for women to influence decision-making, by making public space safer for women, being aware of barriers they face, and providing gender-sensitive access to formal and informal institutions.
  • Backing women’s networks and international and regional solidarity, by strengthening regional women’s alliances and encouraging them to reach out to grassroots constituencies.
  • Reducing the threat from defamation and slander, by limiting the ability of all actors to threaten or incite violence against women or any other group and by helping the media fact-check stories, exercise due diligence, and refrain from libel and defamation.

Click here to read more about our project on strengthening the public voice of women in Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

"من الخطر أن تكون الأول"

حواجز الأمن أمام المشاركة العامة للمرأة في مصر وليبيا واليمن


تمر مصر وليبيا واليمن في خضم مراحل انتقال سياسي لا يمكن التنبؤ بمسارها في أعقاب ثورات عام 2011. لذا يتناول هذا التقرير كيفية تأثير المخاوف الأمنية المرتبطة بهذه الظروف المتقلبة على قدرة المرأة على المشاركة السياسية، بالإضافة إلى الطرق التي تؤثر بها مشاركة المرأة بالتالي على أمنها. وبالاستناد إلى مشاورات أجريت مع أكثر من 400 امرأة ورجل في أواخر عام 2012 وأوائل العام التالي، يعرض هذا التقرير الوضع المتحول الذي ترافق فيه التسييس الواسع وتنامي الفرص أمام نشاط المرأة بمخاطر متزايدة وردود فعل عنيفة ضد مشاركة المرأة. ويشكل هذا البحث جزءا من مشروع أكبر لمنظمة سيفرورلد يهدف إلى تعزيز التشبيك والنقاش والحوار المتعلق بشؤون السلامة التي تحد من قدرة المرأة على المشاركة في الحياة العامة وفي المجال السياسي في كلٍ من مصر وليبيا واليمن.

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