China ATT update
Issue 3
This is the third biannual e-newsletter co-published in Chinese and English by Saferworld and Tongji University. The ATT Update examines issues surrounding conventional arms and tracks international efforts to regulate the global transfer of these weapons under the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) process. It is a platform for Chinese experts, academics and students to exchange views and analyses.
The Arms Trade Treaty conference at the UN in July 2012 ended without the agreement of a treaty. However, the negotiations progressed further than many expected. In this issue, three scholars tell us their personal views of the ATT Conference based on their experience as observers. Prof Xia Liping regards the Conference as a new foundation for further fight. Prof Leng Xinyu highlights the tension between realist and liberal values, with the security of vulnerable states caught in between. Dr Dai Ying gives an insight into the debate over ammunition in the negotiations.
*The information and views set out in this update are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the official views and positions of Saferworld.