Putting people first
Reducing frontline tensions in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh
The report Putting people first: Reducing frontline tensions in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh is in two main parts.
The first part looks at the security needs in Azerbaijan’s frontline villages and considers the situation in Tovuz and Gazakh districts bordering on Armenia, offering local perspectives on security needs.
The second part provides local perspectives from a Karabakh Armenian viewpoint. There is also a report looking at the situation in Tavush region, offering an analogous report to that on the Azerbaijani side. The surveys were conducted and written up independently of one another.
In the final section, there is a list of recommendations for local and international actors set out from the different viewpoints.
Click here to read the full report or the policy brief.
This research is part of the EU-funded ‘People’s Peacemaking Perspectives’ project.
“There is certainly no room for complacency in a situation that is far from ‘frozen’. The strains and tensions of the unresolved conflict are evident on a daily basis.”
Putting people first: Reducing frontline tensions in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh