Conflict Sensitivity in Domestic Resource Mobilisation
Effective domestic resource mobilisation (DRM) is crucial for countries with limited sources of domestic income and taxes, and for aid donors who are looking for responsible exit strategies. With DRM, governments can plan how to spend their own funds for development, usually through better taxation strategy.
DRM can be very beneficial for countries that are impacted by conflict. However, there is little guidance for practitioners on how to carry out DRM initiatives in a conflict-sensitive way. In this reflection note, we provide ideas on how to run a conflict-sensitive DRM programme based on our joint workshop with Diakonia and their partners in a Sida-funded DRM programme across eight countries in Africa.
For more information and training materials on DRM and conflict sensitivity, please email us at
This learning exercise was financed by Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The views and recommendations are the conclusions from the participants and should not be interpreted as official Swedish policy.
Download the report here.