Beyond box-ticking: how conflict sensitivity can shape a more equitable aid system
This is an original manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Development in Practice Special Issue: Conflict Sensitivity/DNH in Development, Humanitarian & Peacebuilding Practice on 17 June 2022, available online.
Conflict sensitivity – as a concept – has been embraced by donors, large international NGOs and financial institutions in part due to its practical, technical and non-threatening appearance.
Yet the delivery of conflict sensitivity contracts is still dominated by ‘international’ conflict sensitivity experts within INGOs and consultancy firms, and largely ignore those with different experiences and perspectives. This can lead to projects that sometimes only focus on the actionables rather than pushing for transformative change that is needed.
This article, written for Development in Practice by Sherine El Taraboulsi McCarthy, Rahma Ahmed, Alastair Carr and Tim Midgley, advocates for a more progressive approach to conflict sensitivity. Find out how to make sure conflict sensitivity practices are less of a technical, box-ticking exercise, and more of a political effort to address structural inequalities in the aid system.
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Read more about our work on conflict sensitivity.