Community policing in Central Asia: Lessons and experiences from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Despite multiple efforts by governments, often in cooperation with civil society and international organisations, trust and cooperation between the police and the public in Central Asia largely remains low.
Saferworld, civil society partners, national and local authorities, and other organisations – both national and international – have been working to implement the ‘community policing’ approach to security provision. This approach brings together communities and the police to jointly identify, prioritise and address community security concerns.
This report – built on past programming experiences of Saferworld and civil society partners, as well as on interviews in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – illustrates many of the challenges, successes and lessons learnt from the last decade of community policing in the region. We present a range of recommendations to governments and authorities, civil society and international organisations who are looking to improve community-police cooperation and strengthen security provision.