A people-centred approach to security and justice: Recommendations for policy and programming
The provision of security and justice in many countries around the world has been profoundly affected by COVID-19 and the responses to it. There is an urgent need for renewed engagement by international partners – such as governments and donors – with long-term support that contributes to the transformation of security and justice systems, especially in conflict-affected contexts. This support should take account of the differing needs of women, men, young people and other identity groups, while prioritising the legitimacy, inclusion and accountability of security and justice institutions.
These recommendations draw on Saferworld’s research in Myanmar and South Sudan, as part of the UK government-funded Peace Research Partnership, as well as our wider work on security and justice. They are intended to assist the UK government and other donors and policymakers to design and implement security and justice policy and programmes that support wider peacebuilding and development goals.
Read more about our work on security and justice.
Read more about the Peace Research Partnership.
This project was funded with UK aid from the UK government.