Policing resources
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Saferworld has compiled a list of resources on policing:
Basic standards for policing
Amnesty International 10 Basic Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement Officials
UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms (available in all UN languages)
UN Code of conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (available in all UN languages)
UN International Human Rights Standards for Law Enforcement (available in all UN languages)
Philosophy and guiding principles of community-based and democratic policing
OSCE Guidebook on Democratic Policing
Saferworld 10 Principles of Community-based Policing
Saferworld Philosophy and Principles of Community Based Policing
Saferworld Community-based Policing Training Pack
US Department of Justice Democratising the Police Abroad
International Peace Academy and Saferworld Police Reform through Community-Based Policing
Examples of police codes of ethics: Police Service of Northern Ireland Code of Ethics (UK), Association of Chief Police Officers Code of Ethics (UK) and European Code of Police Ethics
Civic Union for Reform and Results (Kyrgyzstan) Trust Through Public Accountability
DCAF Toolkit on Police Integrity
Saferworld Community-based policing training pack: Police transparency and accountability handout
Examples of legislation: Independent Policing Oversight Authority (Kenya) and Police and Criminal Evidence Act (UK)
Example recommendations: A New Beginning: Policing in Northern Ireland. The report of the Independent Commission on Policing for Northern Ireland (Patten Report)
Police organisation
Saferworld Organisational structure of the police in the UK
Police decentralisation
Saferworld Police Decentralisation
Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Police Crime Commissioners in England and Wales
Christopher Paun Democratization and Police Reform
Diego Esparza Police Centralization and Public Security in Mexico
Gender and policing
DCAF Police Reform and Gender Tool
Northern Ireland Policing Board Gender Action Plan
UK Government, Home Office Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
Institute for Security Studies Recent Initiatives in Addressing Gender Violence in South Africa
OSCE/ODIHR/Instraw/DCAF Police Reform and Gender
DCAF Gender Initiatives in the National Police: Nicaragua
Protest policing
An example manual: Association of Chief Police Officers (UK) Manual of Guidance on Keeping the Peace
Arrest and detention
Elrena Van Der Spuy (University of Cape Town, Institute of Criminology) Monitoring Police Custody as a Device for Accountability
An example of legislation: Police and Criminal Evidence Act (UK)
Police use of force
Amnesty International Use of force: Guidelines for the implementation of the UN basic principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials
Counter-terrorism policing
Saferworld Counterterrorism legislation, USA & UK
UNODC Model Legislative Provisions Against Terrorism
Saferworld UK Security Institutions
Police reform case studies
Saferworld A decade of police reforms and the future of policing in Kenya
Saferworld Institutionalising police reforms in Kenya
Civil society visions for police reform
National Initiative for Police Reform (NIPR) Police Reform Proposal 4
Surveys: perceptions of the police
Examples of security perceptions surveys and integrating community perspectives into policing:
Saferworld Peace, Security and Stability in Georgia: A community-informed strategy
Saferworld Public Perceptions of Safety and Security in Kosovo: Time to Act
Saferworld Security Provision in Bangladesh: A Public Perceptions Survey
General resources and overviews
Anneke Osse (Amnesty International) Understanding Policing: A Resource for Human Rights Activists