Matching needs with resources: National Police Reserve and community security in Kenya's frontiers
One of the key challenges faced by communities in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL), such as those in Isiolo and West Pokot counties, is the lack of proper management of the National Police Reserve (NPR) involved in providing security to communities. This has significantly contributed to the misuse of firearms – identified by locals as a significant security concern.
Saferworld has been working with local communities in West Pokot and Isiolo counties to improve people's access to security services and their ability to hold local government institutions to account, especially in the use of firearms.
This report analyses the needs of the NPR to determine what level of investment would be appropriate to make the NPR a more effective outfit for community security in the ASAL. The report focuses on the problems faced by the NPR, particularly in relation to their ability to respond to public demand for effective security provision. It highlights the challenges faced by the NPR and identifies lessons and opportunities for improving the professionalism and accountability of the NPR as a key security agency in the ASAL.
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“With the proper policy framework and resources to govern the management of the National Police Reserve, the government can begin to effectively address the problems related to insecurity and particularly small arms and light weapons proliferation in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands.”