In this episode, we explore the future of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping and the role of the African Union (AU) in peace operations.
We are joined by Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, a member of the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee, where she serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa; David Haeri from the UN Department of Peace Operations; and Dr Linda Darkwa, Senior Research Fellow at the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy at the University of Ghana.
Our guests talk about the challenges involved in the protection of civilians, the importance of due diligence in safeguarding human rights, the threats posed by unconstitutional changes of government and geopolitical security, and the need for flexible ways of addressing emerging challenges. We also speak about the concept of peace enforcement, which the UN Secretary General formally introduced in the New Agenda for Peace, and which differs from traditional peacekeeping in that it involves the use of force against combatants to establish peace. Running throughout all these discussions is a recognition that trust, political consensus and effective coordination between the UN and the AU are central to ensuring the success of peace operations.
Please note – the views, perspectives and opinions expressed in this podcast episode are those of the guests and do not necessarily represent the views of Saferworld as an organisation.
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You can find an accessible format transcript of this episode here.