Safeguarding contact form
If you are a Saferworld staff member, partner, contractor, programme participant or a community member, and would like to report a safeguarding concern, please use one of the options below:
- You can raise concerns with Saferworld’s country manager or a designated HR focal point in the country you work, or
- You can report your concern through the email
- You can also report your concern to Head of People and Culture at
- You can report a concern via an independent 24/7 response phone line. It will be passed on to the appropriate person at Saferworld. The number is +44 (0)203 951 7511.
- If you wish to make an anonymous report, you can:
- Use the 24/7 response phone line and indicate you want to remain anonymous. The number is +44 (0)203 951 7511. Or,
- Complete the following anonymous form:
A version of this safeguarding contact form is also available in Arabic and Russian.
Please note that because this is an anonymous complaint, we will not be able to follow up with the complainant individually, although we will follow up the allegations. If you want a response or follow-up, please choose one of the other reporting options.