Saferworld was instrumental in developing the concept of the ATT and we worked for over 20 years to bring it into existence. In the years since its establishment, our focus has shifted to ensuring the ATT is properly and consistently implemented. We provide critical, analytical, legal and technical support to countries as they develop and implement the laws and regulations needed to comply with their ATT commitments.
Our technical expertise in arms transfer control and our continuing advocacy for the ATT is complemented by the efforts of our international civil society partners. Together, we mobilise and influence public and political opinion to ensure the Treaty is applied robustly by as many states as possible.
We have established the ATT Expert Group, which works informally with an evolving group of government and civil society members, to develop common understandings and explore emerging issues around Treaty implementation.
We also work closely with national governments to support their ATT accession and implementation, including through strengthened legislation and control systems and the development of national action plans. This work has to date been primarily funded through the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund. So far, states that we have supported include The Gambia (ongoing), Malawi (ongoing), Sierra Leone and Liberia. We have also developed a national assessment methodology to assist states in progressing towards effective implementation of the ATT.