In Sudan, Saferworld-supported CAGs helped resolve nine local-level, violent conflicts, including conflicts related to migration. In one case this involved improving access to clean water, which was fuelling conflict between communities.
Saferworld’s Sudan team held a workshop for traditional leaders which aimed to decrease the proliferation and misuse of small arms in Darfur. It also enabled leaders of different tribes to build relationships with each other.
With our partner SUDIA, we made effective use of micro-grant funding in Sudan, as part of a project that supported civil society to work as proactive participants in improving social cohesion and human security.
Using an adapted form of the Participatory Action in Learning approach, community-based organisations presented their ideas for addressing security issues using community action plans with proposed initiatives and budgets. These practical plans attracted rapid funding – allowing the organisations to achieve their objectives while developing sustainable skills.
The military takeover of October 2021 had a major effect on Saferworld’s activities in the country. As a result of our engagement with donors at the policy level following the coup, the Saferworld Sudan programme was recognised by policymakers and donors for insightful and timely analysis and excellent access to Sudanese networks. We also facilitated space for civil society to directly engage at a higher level with the international community – a space that did not exist beforehand. We received positive feedback for this from the international community, which appreciated the value of Sudanese civil society perspectives to inform their strategies for working in Sudan. In turn, this further reinforced our Sudan programme’s credibility and connection with Sudanese civil society partners.